postgres parallel query index scan

postgres=# select name, setting, unit from pg_settings WHERE name LIKE '%parallel%' OR name = 'max_worker_processes';
               name               | setting | unit 
 enable_parallel_append           | on      | 
 enable_parallel_hash             | on      | 
 force_parallel_mode              | off     | 
 max_parallel_maintenance_workers | 2       | 
 max_parallel_workers             | 8       | 
 max_parallel_workers_per_gather  | 2       | 
 max_worker_processes             | 8       | 
 min_parallel_index_scan_size     | 64      | 8kB
 min_parallel_table_scan_size     | 1024    | 8kB
 parallel_leader_participation    | on      | 
 parallel_setup_cost              | 1000    | 
 parallel_tuple_cost              | 0.1     | 
(12 rows)

Parallel Index Scanを実験!その実力は? | NTTテクノクロスブログ 2018


Zabbixのダッシュボード表示が遅くて困った時の対処方法を検証してみた(PostgreSQL実行計画解析と対処編) | SIOS Tech. Lab 2019

max_worker_processes は一種のハードリミットなので使用可能な物理コア数以下に設定


These parameters should be set on the standbys to values equal to or greater than on the primary to apply physical replication:

  • max_connections
  • max_prepared_transactions
  • max_locks_per_transaction
  • max_wal_senders
  • max_worker_processes

Without this, replication will stop. (with the entire standby database on older versions)

Hot standby does not require max_worker_processes to be increased. But if you increased it on the primary, then on all standbys this setting should not be lower.



FATAL:  hot standby is not possible because max_connections = 100 is a lower setting than on
 the master server (its value was 150)
CONTEXT:  WAL redo at 3AD/8F225378 for XLOG/PARAMETER_CHANGE: max_connections=150 max_worker
_processes=16 max_prepared_xacts=0 max_locks_per_xact=64 wal_level=replica wal_log_hints=off track_commit_timestamp=off
LOG:  startup process (PID 68924) exited with exit code 1
LOG:  terminating any other active server processes