

Note that Crawl-delay is not part of the original robots.txt specification. But it’s no problem to include them for those parsers that understand it, as the spec defines: Unrecognised headers are ignored. So older robots.txt parsers will s…

check_logfiles postgres ログ監視

log_directory = '/var/log/pgsql' log_filename = 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log' log_file_mode = 0644 log_rotation_age = 1d log_rotation_size = 0 /var/log/pgsql/postgresql-2019-07-19_000000.log ログローテション、ログファイル名は日付 nagios…

megacli FreeBSD

/usr/local/sbin/MegaCli なのでPATHを通す command[check_raid]=env PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin /usr/local/libexec/nagios/check_raid.pl --plugin=megacli

groonga-normalizer-mysql FreeBSD

FreeBSD 11 ソースコンパイルautoconf automake libtool が必要 curl -o groonga-normalizer-mysql-1.1.4.tar.gz https://github.com/groonga/groonga-normalizer-mysql/archive/v1.1.4.tar.gz tar xvzf groonga-normalizer-mysql-1.1.4.tar.gz cd groonga-n…

freebsd shell 日本語メール

サブジェクトの先頭に日付(2019/07/09)をいれる #! /bin/sh FROM=from@example.com TO=to@example.com DATE=`date +%Y/%m/%d` SUBJECT=`echo -n "$DATE " | cat - subject.txt | openssl enc -e -base64 -A` BODY=`cat body.txt | openssl enc -e -base64` /…

Varnish probe

Your backend is responding with a 301 to the health check; only 200 is an expected "healthy" response by default. .probe = { .url = "/"; .timeout = 1s; .interval = 10s; .window = 10; .threshold = 8; .expected_response = 301; } https://serv…