fml reject メールアドレス

# We reject $REJECT_ADDR@ARBITRARY.DOM.AIN since these are clearly NOT
# individuals. It also may be effective to avoid mail loop since 
# some error or automatic reply comes from not individual addresses.
# This restriction is stronger than $PERMIT_*_FROM variable.
# For example, if $PERMIT_POST_FROM is "anyone", fml does not permit
# post from root@some.domain. If you permit it, please define $REJECT_ADDR.
# XXX This variable name is ambiguous. It should be $REJECT_ACCOUNT?
# value: regexp string
$REJECT_ADDR                   = "root|postmaster|MAILER-DAEMON|msgs|nobody|news|majordomo|listserv|listproc|\S+\-help|\S+\-subscribe|\S+\-unsubscribe";