FS-Cache cachefilesd


Cache culling is done on the basis of the percentage of blocks and the
percentage of files available in the underlying filesystem.  There are six

 (*) brun
 (*) frun

     If the amount of free space and the number of available files in the cache
     rises above both these limits, then culling is turned off.

 (*) bcull
 (*) fcull

     If the amount of available space or the number of available files in the
     cache falls below either of these limits, then culling is started.

 (*) bstop
 (*) fstop

     If the amount of available space or the number of available files in the
     cache falls below either of these limits, then no further allocation of
     disk space or files is permitted until culling has raised things above
     these limits again.

cachefilesdでNFSの読み込みを高速化する – スペース・アイ株式会社

いますぐ実践! Linuxシステム管理


Improving EFS Performance - DevCloud 2020


Based on the above tests, something is not right about cachefilesd. My test machine is a t3a.small running AmazonLinux2 4.14.123-111.109.amzn2.x86_64

Caching NFS share with cachefilesd - www.headdesk.me