Greenbone Vulnerability Manager (GVM, 旧OpenVAS)

gvm 20.08

Install Greenbone Vulnerability Manager 20.08 on Debian 10 from source... ·

gvm 11 から gvm 20.08 へ移行

can’t speak for packages you are getting from a distribution. With a source build you need to stop all services, build all components and install all components. You need to add the pgcrypto postgres extension ( 1) and to run gvmd --migrate to update the database to the current schema.

Because we moved report formats, port lists and scan configs to be shipped with the feed you need to set a Feed Import Owner ( Afterwards you need sync the feed to get certs, scap, nvts and the new parts (report formats, port lists, scan configs). After restarting the services GVM should be up and running.

Migrate GVM-11 to GVM 20.08 - Greenbone Source Edition (GSE) - Greenbone Community Portal