MegaCli Other Error Count

Other Error Count

Regarding why it is happening, it appears that that version of the MegaCli software issues commands unsupported by SATA drives.
Event Description: Unexpected sense: PD 07(e0x20/s7) Path 1221000007000000, CDB: 4d 00 4d 00 00 00 00 00 20 00, Sense: 5/24/00
The sense code of 5/24/00, according to this table of common codes, is "Illegal Request - invalid field in CDB (Command Descriptor Block)".

SATAドライブがサポートしてないコマンドでエラー → 8.05.06 で修正

Version Numbers: MegaCLI
=============== ===========
Current Version 8.05.06
Previous Version 8.04.07

Enhancements and Bug Fixes
LSIP200232044 (DFCT) MegaCli causes "unexpected sense" and "illegal request" on HDDs

H310 ok

PERC 6/i だと MegaCLI 8.07.14 でも発生

Product Name : PERC 6/i Integrated
FW Package Build: 6.2.0-0013
MegaCLI 8.07.14


kernel: mfi0: 37069 (708674737s/0x0002/info) - Unexpected sense: PD 02(e0x20/s2) Path 1221000002000000, CDB: 4d 00 4d 00 00 00 00 00 20 00, Sense: 5/24/00
kernel: mfi0: 37070 (708674737s/0x0002/info) - Unexpected sense: PD 03(e0x20/s3) Path 1221000003000000, CDB: 4d 00 4d 00 00 00 00 00 20 00, Sense: 5/24/00


FW Package Build: 6.3.3-0002
MegaCLI 8.07.14

Media Error Count: 0  <--  ディスク媒体系のエラーカウント
Other Error Count: 0  <--  I/F系のエラーカウント

Linux参考ブログ: MegaCLIを使ってみたメモ。