
sendmail TLS エンフォースメント

Example: e-mail sent to secure.example.com should only use an encrypted connection. E-mail received from hosts within the laptop.example.com domain should only be accepted if they have been authenticated. The host which receives e-mail for…

sendmail フィルタ

INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`opendkim', `S=local:/var/run/opendkim/opendkim.sock,F=T') F= は、以下のフラグのいずれを適用するかを示します。 項目 説明 R フィルターが使用不可の場合に接続が拒否されます。 T フィルターが使用不可の場合に接続が一時的に失敗…

sendmail ruleset ルール セット

An Address Rewriting Rule The core of sendmail’s address rewriting capabilities is based on the idea of rules and rulesets. An individual address rewriting rule is a simple if ... then ... statement. If the address matches the Left Hand Si…

sendmail QUEUE_GROUP

/usr/local/share/doc/sendmail/TUNING Let's assume a simple example: a mailing list where most of the recipients are at three domains: the local one (local.domain) and two remotes (one.domain, two.domain) and the rest is splittered over sev…